K8s cluster monitoring
Tools or services used for monitoring
Probes: actively monitor the health of a container. If the probe determines that a container is no longer healthy, the probe will restart it
cAdvisor: A container resource usage and performance analysis agent
Kube-state-matrics: A service listens on Kubernetes API server to generate the metrics about the state of objects like Deployments, Nodes, Pods.
Metrics-server: A replacement of Heapster which generates the cluster-wide resource usage. CPU, file descriptors, memory, request latencies, etc.
Aspects of cluster monitoring:
Node level metrics: CPU, Load, Disk, Memory, Network, Pod resource, etc
Orchestration level metrics: deployment, pod, replica status, etc
Internal kube system components: detailed service metrics for the scheduler, controller manager, dns service, etc
Kubernetes monitoring architecture: details
Last updated